CEO predicts bright future for bowls

Friday, Jul 24 2020

CEO predicts bright future for bowls

By Grant Hassall

New Bowls Taranaki Executive Officer Tina Atkinson-Watt believes that there is a great future in the province for the sport.

Tina, who started her role last month, sees many opportunities for the game, which is still a popular pastime for many. While membership has now dipped to below 1200 – way short of the 4500 of the halcyon days of the early-mid 1980s – there are signs those trends could be reversing.

“We have witnessed a surge in casual participation,” Tina said. “That includes business house or twilight events, but the biggest increase has been in functions at clubs, where the premises and greens are jointly used.”

Tina has always been a follower of bowls. Her late father, Danny, was a competitive member of several Taranaki clubs and represented the province. She officially only joined two seasons ago and made the junior women’s squad last season, alongside her daughter. So, bowls is definitely in the blood. “It’s a great game. It caters for so many different strata of society.”

Tina’s position as executive officer is wide-ranging. It encompasses the traditional secretary-treasurer functions, which remain fundamental to all organisations. But Tina also has the desire and energy to drive it well beyond that, and with the support of the Board, says “watch this space”.

Tina says it is pleasing to see some clubs are doing well. Some have increased membership and casual participation.

"There is a path and in association with the board, I hope to harness and assist in strengthening all clubs and ensuring  the game is FUN and fulfilling for all.”

Covid-19 has caused worldwide issues. But it is not all doom and gloom. As has been seen at a local level  some businesses are reporting significant increases in turnover, it could also be a fillip for bowls.

“We are a non-contact sport which is a huge advantage. Further, with international travel on the backburner, some people are looking for activities to occupy themselves. Bowls is an obvious choice – exercise, entertainment and engagement, and socialising with family, friends, colleagues and anyone looking to meet the challenge of bowls.”

Tina was involved last season with the successful re-introduction of the secondary school programme. There are further plans to boost that concept in the coming season.

Meanwhile, Janice Ropitini, who was also a key contributor to the secondary school series, will handle the selector’s role of the Revital Fertilisers Taranaki women’s representative team for the next two seasons. Ropitini, a former senior rep herself, replaces Vickie Kelly, who did not seek re-election.

Ropitini will be assisted by the doyen of bowls coaches in this country, John Murtagh.

Allan Batley will again handle the men’s representative side. He, too, has been appointed for the next two seasons. Russell Hardy, who was co-selector with Batley for the previous two seasons, will assist.